You learned how to start a blog.
You created your first blog post. You keep creating amazing content regularly.
But try as you might, you’re not getting any traffic to your blog.
You ask yourself:
“How do I get traffic to my blog?”
The hard truth is:
Writing great content alone won’t generate traffic to your blog.
Don’t get me wrong, high-quality SEO-optimized content is super important and should be your #1 goal for long-term traffic.
But this article is about how to generate traffic to your website fast.
Many bloggers and online entrepreneurs overlook the importance of content promotion and distribution.
To get fast traffic to your website, you need to promote your content and build a presence online.
The problem with your generic blogging advice is that they teach you what to do to get traffic to your blog but fail to SHOW HOW TO DO IT.
They say things like:
- Optimise for SEO, but it’s too techy and intimidating
- Advertise on Google and Facebook, but you have no budget nor skills
- Build your social following, but you’ve only managed to set up profiles
- Build an email list, but you don’t know where to start
- Create remarkable content, but you think your content is already remarkable
- Get influencers to share your content, but it didn’t work when you tried
- Start a YouTube channel to promote your personal brand, but you’re camera-shy
The problem with listing all the possible option available to you is that it doesn’t help you. It makes things even more complicated because you have too much choice.
I don’t recommend using all of those 7 methods above for driving traffic to your blog at once. You’ll drive yourself nuts!
Instead, I’d recommend starting with 2-3 techniques that can drive traffic to your website in the shortest time and stick to them until they work 100%.
Only once you’ve nailed your preferred traffic sources, I would go and explore other options.
The good news is that there are 100s of ways to build an audience for your blog quickly, but you have to think laterally.
Short-term VS long-term traffic sources
There 6 different online traffic sources: 1) organic search traffic, 2) direct traffic, 3) email traffic, 4) social media traffic, 5) paid media traffic and 6) referral traffic.
Today we will look at short-term traffic sources because they are the fastest way to drive traffic to your website as a beginner.
Short-term traffic sources
Short-term traffic sources can get your blog seen by 1000s of people fast.
Social media traffic
Social media is the fastest way to drive traffic to your blog as a beginner. Social media allows you to go where your people already are, instead of waiting for them to discover you. Below I’m going to explain how exactly can you use social media to drive traffic to your blog the right way.
Paid traffic
Paid traffic is the traffic you pay for, either by running Google ads or social media ads. Ads allow you to get in front of your target audience immediately, but unless you’ve run the ads before and know what are you doing, I would not recommend it to newbie bloggers.
Referral traffic
Referral traffic is the traffic that comes to your site from other 3rd party websites. You’ll get referral traffic when other publications link to your content.
Social media – the fastest way to drive traffic to your blog as a beginner
3.2 billion people spend time on social media globally which is why it’s a key traffic source for you as a beginner blogger.
I’d recommend setting up 2-3 social media accounts that are most relevant to your blogging niche and start helping people on there.
These social communities are easy to find – just type your topic into the Google search bar followed by “group” or “forum” or “community”.
There are Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, Twitter chats, Reddit Communities etc.
Don’t be afraid to become active on forums or niche social media channels that are highly relevant to your niche, but aren’t widely known.
Below is the list of 50 most popular social media channels by category:
Triberr is the absolute goldmine for new bloggers who want to grow.
Other social media sites that have worked for Slasher Career are Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn, Slideshare, BizSugar, Medium, Feedly & Meetup.
Pick a channel that is the most relevant to your blogging niche or where your audience is most likely to spend time on.
If you’re new to the social media platform you’ve picked, figure out what types of people use this platform, how do they use the platform and what are their motivations to use that platform.
This will help you to decide whether it makes sense for your blog or business to have a presence there.
Whichever social media platform you pick to build your presence, do it the right way!
Most people are using social media in the wrong way! They use it to push out their content, which doesn’t work because it’s self-serving.
I’d recommend to put out at least 3 posts or updates that are completely free value to your community before trying to get anything in return.
Your story needs to move people’s spirits and build their goodwill so that when you finally do ask them to buy from you, they feel like you’ve given them so much it would be rude to refuse.
That could mean sharing inspirational quotes, other influencer’s educational content or interesting findings about your industry.
Having a regular presence on 2-3 relevant social media platforms is a great way to build your credibility and authority.
Start a Facebook Group – the #1 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
If you are a beginner blogger, the easiest way to get the first 300-500 site visitors quickly is to start a Facebook Group.
Then invite your Facebook friends to join your Facebook Group. You can invite all your Facebook friends automatically, or select the most suitable people one by one.
There are 2 reasons why I recommend starting with friends and family method first:
- Your friends are the people who are most likely to support you
Your friends and family are more likely to join a Facebook Group with ZERO followers because they want to support you. Don’t worry, your friends don’t have to be the real target audience of your blog. Once you have 300 people in your Facebook Group through friends and family method, your real target audience is much more likely to join in, because you’ll look more reputable. Unfortunately, people don’t readily jump onto something new without social proof. So, when we see a Facebook Group with no followers, we don’t trust it.
- Your friends may have friends who are your target audience
Another great reason to utilize your existing connections is to ask them to share your posts on social media channels. When your friends share your content, then the likelihood of your friends’ friends to see and share your content grows, which leads to greater exposure. You never know, your friends might not be directly interested in your blog, but they might have friends who do. Use that!
Why I recommend Facebook Groups over Facebook Pages
Facebook Groups get better engagement and better engagement leads to more website traffic. Every time someone posts something on Facebook Groups all its members get notified, leading to more clicks, engagement and traffic.
The Facebook Page, on the other hand, is more like a one-way publishing platform where only about 3% of all the Page followers see the posts in their timeline. This means that out of 100 people who follow your page, only 3 people will actually see the post. Not worth your time, if you ask me.
Facebook Groups are the best way to grow your brand on Facebook because humans are tribal creatures. We love to belong – it’s hardwired into us.
Join Facebook Groups – the #2 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
I would also recommend participating in other Groups because you can use the audience of other groups to ramp up your own audience quicker.
I’d suggest joining 10 – 20 Facebook groups, that:
- Are related to your blog topic
- Have more than 1000 active members
- Post multiple posts per day
How to find groups to join in?
Let’s assume you have a fashion blog and you want to find relevant Facebook Groups to join. You simply go to Facebook and type in ‘fashion influencers’ as I did below. You’ll see ‘Groups’ on the right-hand side. Once you’re clicked on ‘Groups’, you’ll see the long list of all the groups you can join.
Once you’ve joined the groups, focus on adding value to each group by answering questions, offering advice, etc.
DO NOT join a group and instantly start spamming it with links to your content. Group moderators are well-versed in spotting members who are there to shamelessly self-promote.
Once you become a trusted member of the group you’ll find that most admins will be way more forgiving with you linking out to your own posts.
Join blogging communities – the #3 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
Join communities where bloggers support each other and exchange social shares.
Blogging communities have existed for a long time. They work on the reciprocity principle – meaning the more you share other people’s content, the more others share your content.
The best blogging communities are:
Triberr –every blogger should sign up with Triberr – a place where bloggers cross-promote each other’s content. The platform allows you to share dozens of posts within a few seconds. Triberr will schedule the posts out so you aren’t spamming your followers every other second.
Quuu – Quu is different from Triberr in a way that they filter all content submissions through their own reviewal process and weed out inappropriate, spam, and irrelevant content [they even make small edits to fix errors and typos]. This ensures that everything being promoted and shared through their platform is high-quality and helps their users gain more social interaction.
Blog commenting – the #4 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
Identify the top blogs in your niche and start commenting on these blogs on a regular basis.
Being the first commenter on 100,000+ visitor blog, will not only raise your profile with the author, but you’ll get some free traffic to your blog.
HACK ALERT! You can hack your blog commenting using a site called Feedly. You can use the free Chrome extension “Feedly Notifier” to have alerts appear within your browser, so you’ll never miss an opportunity to be the first commentator on your favourite blog. Or just download Feedly mobile app and spend about 10-15 minutes every morning going through the latest posts from your favourite bloggers.
Leaving genuinely helpful comments on other blogs is an easy way to become more visible within your niche, but it has to be done the right way!
You shouldn’t just go around commenting on blogs just to get a link back to your site saying something like this:
“Hey you should totally check out this tool/site [insert link], you should add it to your post.”
This won’t get you anywhere. Not only will you annoy the author, but you won’t get much direct traffic either.
People see through this trick!
Be helpful and build a friendly relationship with the be author, because it will open doors for you [hint: future guest post opportunities]
Answer people’s questions on forums – the #5 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
Forums are amazing source of traffic because they have a large number of people, concentrated in one place, who all have the same interests.
Another awesome thing about forum marketing is that it’s underutilized traffic generation strategy and hence is an excellent opportunity for potential leads.
Here’s what you need to do, in 2 simple steps:
Step #1: Identify the most popular forums and Q&A sites in your niche
The simplest way to find your niche forums is by searching on Google.
Type in your “niche keyword(s)” + “forum”, for example: Once you put together all the suitable forums using the method above, you can also try this:
“Niche keyword” + inurl:forums
“Niche keyword” + inurl:forum
Another great way to identify relevant forums is to use forum directories.
The list of great forum directories:
4 most popular Q&A websites:
The model of Q&A sites is simple: People post questions and others answer them.
This presents smart bloggers an opportunity to post original, helpful answers and getting “upvoted” for doing that.
Quora – Quora is one of the largest and most comprehensive Q&A sites. It has millions of users worldwide (including some of the world’s leading experts) in a wide range of subjects. Learn how to identify good questions that are likely to get you a ton of traffic here.
Yahoo Answers – Yahoo Answers is an equally popular Q&As site. As a member, you get to receive points for answering questions. The better your answers, the more points you get. The more points you get, the more privileges and higher profile you can get on the site.
StackExchange – Stack Exchange has over 64 million unique monthly viewers. It has 109 categories ranging from mathematics to startups to bicycles and travel. It is pretty tech-centric – if that’s your market, go explore the platform.
Askville – Askville is Amazon’s Q&A site. It has categories from gift ideas to science. Join if you run an eCommerce store. It’s a great source for retailers to drive traffic to blogs (and product pages).
Step #2: Participate in forum discussion regularly
Creating an account only to spam the forums with your links isn’t going to get you a lot of traffic in 2020.
Instead, focus on making valuable contributions to the forum in the form of ideas.
Respond to other people’s questions and contribute to popular discussions.
You don’t need to include your links into all your forum posts, just make sure you link to your blog in your forum signature – this will increase your traffic over time.
15 minutes each day answering a handful of questions is enough.
Guest posting – the #6 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
One of the fastest ways to grow your blog is by writing for another blog that has a bigger audience than yours
I’m talking hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors type of blog!
Every niche has big household blogs that everyone reads. And YOU want to get a guest post there!
Because if you are going to spend 8+ h writing amazing content for someone else, you might as well make it work for you.
Yes, the time required to invest in guest posting is pretty high, but you also have a chance to generate steady free traffic without doing anything for years.
A guest post is a one-off time investment that can pay off, but you have to guest post on a blog with massive traffic!
How to land a guest post on a killer blog?
Start by regularly commenting on the blog you want to write for, but make sure you add value and not self-promote. You want to make yourself familiar to the author so that when you send an email asking to write a guest post, you won’t come across as a random spammer.
[check “Blog commenting” section above for more details]
SIDE NOTE! Guest posting is also good for SEO – links from authoritative websites will increase your search visibility.
Ask podcasters to interview you – the #7 fastest way to get traffic to your blog
Podcasts are EXPLODING right now, but it doesn’t mean you should start a podcast.
Instead, I recommend going on other people’s podcasts as a guest.
Once you made yourself known or have something very interesting to say, start going on 2-3 podcasts per month as a guest.
Every podcast includes show notes and links under their recordings, which is an excellent way to drive traffic to your blog.
Over to you
How are you promoting your blog atm? Which suggestions above are you going to try first? Did I miss anything? SHOOTT
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